Human & Veterinary Medicine

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Human & Veterinary Medicine - International Journal of the Bioflux Society

Online ISSN 2066-7663; Printed ISSN 2066-7655

Since 1928

Peer-reviewed (each article was independently analyzed before by two specialists). 

Published by Bioflux - annual.

The journal covers all the fields of human and veterinary medicine and publishes original papers, short communications, case reports and review articles. Each published article was seen before by two reviewers and at least one specialist in foreign languages. Peer-review policy: double blind peer-review. The editors use a software that screens for plagiarism. Electronic submission is required. We inform the authors about our decision (acceptance or rejection) in 3-8 weeks after their submission. The average overall time from submission of the manuscript to publication is 10 weeks. 

Contact for 

Our journal, HVM Bioflux, is a good opportunity for you to publish your papers on time, color, both printed and online, open access, unlimited pages. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.

This is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The journal has no article submission charges. The journal has a waiver policy for developing country authors (only for cases of very good quality manuscripts).

For papers submitted since January 2011, a publication fee of 150 USD, or 650 LEI should be payed after your paper is accepted. The authors can choose a fast track publication option that enables the publication of the paper in under 3 weeks, if the article is accepted. In this case the publication fee is 300 USD or 1200 LEI, if the article is accepted. When the manuscript's first author is a member of the Editorial Board (HVM Bioflux), there is no fee for publication. Please attach a scanned payment document and email to 

Some papers need to be edited to English, the fee for this service is 50 USD for members or non-members of the board.

Payment to: Bioflux SRL

SWIFT CODE of the bank: BTRLRO22

Account no. 213USDCRT00L2861401


USD: RO68BTRL01302202L28614XX BANCA TRANSILVANIA (Cluj-Napoca)


LEI: RO44BTRL01301202L28614XX BANCA TRANSILVANIA (Cluj-Napoca)

Rejection rate: 40%.


The monthly scientific journal Miscarea Medicala was founded on January 1, 1928, by Dr. M. Canciulescu and his colleagues and it has functioned as a private journal for the entire duration of its existence. The headquarters of the publication was on Unirii Street no. 102-104, Craiova, Romania. The serial publication ran until 1948, and it changed its name several times. In 1930, the journal supplement became Miscarea Medicala Romaneasca, in 1932 the serial became Miscarea Medicala Romana, and in 1944 it changed its name again into Acta Medica Romana. Although the first numbers were printed at the Societatea Prietenii Stiintei (Craiova), some of the subsequent editions appeared under the aegis of Scrisul Romanesc, Craiova, which stopped working in the meantime. However, the Miscarea Medicala journal was an independent and private one.

The editors of the last volume (1948), Canciulescu M., Parhon C.I., Anghelescu C., Ciuca M., Daniel C., Gomoiu V., Danielopolu D., Ionescu-Mihaiesti C., Levaditi C., and Nicolau S., intended to resume the publication of the periodical, but this did not happen, and one of the last surviving editors, Dr. Victor Gomoiu (1882-1960), took over the archive, the collection and the right to publish the periodical publication. After the death of Dr. Victor Gomoiu, his wife, Mrs. Viorica Gomoiu (1899-1989), donated the archive, the collection and the publishing right of the journal to the History Museum of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, which functioned within the University of Craiova (Faculty of Medicine) and in cooperation with the Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Craiova branch.

The preservation of the archive and of the idea of the re-editing of the publication is due to the Professor Mihail Scheau Ph.D., Professor Gheorghe Manolea Ph.D., and Ion Patrutoiu Ph.D.. With their help, in 2007 a pre-contract was concluded between the Romanian Committee of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, the Craiova branch, and Bioflux SRL (Bioflux Publishing House) for unifying the national journal Acta Medica Romana with the international one, projected to appear in 2007 under the name of Human & Veterinary Medicine (abbreviated HVM Bioflux). Because Human & Veterinary Medicine journal emerged and gained significant track records, in 2016 a definitive contract was drawn up to unify the two journals and editorial teams.

The digitization of the old collection was done through a contract concluded between the Bioflux Publishing House (Bioflux SRL) and the Central University Library Lucian Blaga, Cluj-Napoca.

Human & Veterinary Medicine is now a biomedical serial publication with one issue per year, being coordinated by Editor-in-chief Stefan Cristian Vesa Ph.D., and Director Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag Ph.D..

Statement of human and animal rights

When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals"- February 2006 – cited by Pubmed, Medline database).

Statement of informed consent

Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that a patient who is identifiable be shown the manuscript to be published. Authors should identify individuals who provide writing assistance and disclose the funding source for this assistance. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, however, and informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning and editors should so note (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals"- February 2006 – cited by Pubmed, Medline database).

Conflict-of-interest statement

Public trust in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how well conflict of interest is handled during writing, peer review, and editorial decision making. Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author's institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). These relationships vary from those with negligible potential to those with great potential to influence judgment, and not all relationships represent true conflict of interest. The potential for conflict of interest can exist whether or not an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and of science itself (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals"- February 2006 – cited by Pubmed, Medline database). However, conflicts can occur for other reasons, such as personal relationships, academic competition or intellectual passion, and the Chief Editor will do his best to avoid them, using specific policies in the process of peer-review.

Authors responsibilities

- All authors have significantly contributed to the research

- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, in case of detection

- List of references should be provided by authors

- Information on financial support should be provided by authors in Acknowledgement section

- It is forbidden to publish same research in more than one journal.

Peer-review, publication policies and publication ethics

- Judgments is external and objective

- Reviewers have no conflict of interest

- Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication

- Bioflux Publishing House takes reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred

- In the event that the publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately

- Corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies are accepted. Correction of any published article after the official publication date is not allowed in the same document. A scientific journal is not a website. Corrections, clarifications and apologies written by the authors are allowed by separate Note or Erratum. Retracting of a manuscript is made by publisher in the case when plagiarism or other particular issues are reported.

- This is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

- In the case that our journal is no longer published, Bioflux Publishing House has agreements with several databases which are allowed to conserve and republish the old content at any time and unlimited number of copies, both as electronic and hardcopies. Bioflux Publishing House is archived by The Legal Deposit Bucharest (National Library) and by The County Legal Deposit in Cluj-Napoca (Octavian Goga Library). 

HVM Bioflux

Instructions to authors

Submission letter

Reviewer information pack

Volume 19(1)/2027 (December, 30)

Volume 18(1)/2026 (December, 30)

Volume 17(1)/2025 (December, 30)

Volume 16(1)/2024 (December, 30)

Volume 15(2)/2023 (December, 30)

Volume 15(1)/2023 (June, 30)

Volume 14(4)/2022 (December, 30)

Volume 14(3)/2022 (September, 30)

Volume 14(2)/2022 (June, 30)

Volume 14(1)/2022 (March, 30)

Volume 13(4)/2021 (December, 30)

Volume 13(3)/2021 (September, 30)

Volume 13(2)/2021 (June, 30)

Volume 13(1)/2021 (March, 30)

Volume 12(4)/2020 (December, 30)

Volume 12(3)/2020 (September, 30)

Volume 12(2)/2020 (June, 30)

Volume 12(1)/2020 (March, 30)

Volume 11(4)/2019 (December, 30)

Volume 11(3)/2019 (September, 30)

Volume 11(2)/2019 (June, 30)

Volume 11(1)/2019 (March, 30)

Volume 10(4)/2018 (December, 30)

Volume 10(3)/2018 (September, 30)

Volume 10(2)/2018 (June, 30)

Volume 10(1)/2018 (March, 30)

Volume 9(4)/2017 (December, 30)

Volume 9(3)/2017 (September, 30)

Volume 9(2)/2017 (June, 30)

Volume 9(1)/2017 (March, 30)

Special Issue/2016 (December, 31)

Volume 8(4)/2016 (December, 30)

Volume 8(3)/2016 (September, 30)

Volume 8(2)/2016 (June, 30)

Volume 8(1)/2016 (March, 30)

Volume 7(4)/2015 (December, 30)

Volume 7(3)/2015 (September, 30)

Volume 7(2)/2015 (June, 30)

Volume 7(1)/2015 (March, 30)

Special Issue/2014 (December, 30)

Volume 6(4)/2014 (December, 30)

Volume 6(3)/2014 (October, 30)

Volume 6(2)/2014 (August, 30)

Volume 6(1)/2014 (April, 30)

Volume 5(3)/2013 (December, 30)

Volume 5(2)/2013 (August, 30)

Volume 5(1)/2013 (March, 30)

Volume 4(3)/2012 (December, 30)

Volume 4(2)/2012 (September, 30)

Volume 4(1)/2012 (June, 30)

Volume 3(3)/2011 (December, 30)

Volume 3(2)/2011 (November, 30)

Volume 3(1)/2011 (June, 30)

Volume 2(2)/2010 (December, 30)

Volume 2(1)/2010 (June, 30) 

Volume 1(2)/2009 (December, 30)

Volume 1(1)/2009 (August, 30)

Pilot (b)/2008 - Available printed only

Pilot (a)/2007 - Available printed only

1948 No 5-6

1948 No 3-4

1948 No 1-2

1948 No 11-12

1947 No 8-10

1947 No 5-7

1947 No 3-4

1947 No 1-2

1946 No 11-12

1946 No 8-10

1946 No 5-7

1946 No 3-4

1946 No 1-2

1945 No 11-12

1945 No 8-10

1945 No 5-7

1945 No 3-4

1945 No 1-2

1944 No 8-12

1944 No 5-7

1944 No 3-4

1944 No 1-2

1943 No 11-12

1943 No 9-10

1943 No 7-8

1943 No 5-6

1943 No 3-4

1943 No 1-2

1942 No 11-12

1942 No 9-10

1942 No 7-8

1942 No 5-6

1942 No 3-4

1942 No 1-2

1941 No 11-12

1941 No 9-10

1941 No 7-8

1941 No 5-6

1941 No 3-4

1941 No 1-2

1940 Supplement - Table of Content

1940 No 11-12

1940 No 9-10

1940 No 7-8

1940 No 5-6

1940 No 3-4

1940 No 1-2

1939 No 11-12 Supplement

1939 No 11-12

1939 No 9-10 Supplement

1939 No 9-10

1939 No 7-8

1939 No 5-6 Supplement

1939 No 5-6

1939 No 3-4 Supplement

1939 No 3-4

1939 No 1-2 Supplement

1939 No 1-2

1938 Supplement - Table of Content

1938 No 11-12 Supplement

1938 No 11-12

1938 No 9-10 Supplement

1938 No 9-10

1938 No 7-8 Supplement

1938 No 7-8

1938 No 5-6 Supplement

1938 No 5-6

1938 No 3-4 Supplement

1938 No 3-4

1938 No 1-2 Supplement

1938 No 1-2

1937 No 11-12

1937 No 9-10

1937 No 7-8

1937 No 5-6

1937 No 3-4

1937 No 1-2

1936 No 11-12

1936 No 9-10

1936 No 7-8

1936 No 3-4

1936 No 1-2

1935 No 11-12

1935 No 9-10

1935 No 7-8

1935 No 5-6

1935 No 3-4

1935 No 1-2

1934 No 11-12

1934 No 9-10

1934 No 7-8

1934 No 6

1934 No 4-5

1934 No 1-2

1933 No 11-12

1933 No 9-10

1933 No 7-8

1933 No 5-6

1933 No 3-4

1933 No 1-2

1932 No 11-12

1932 No 9-10

1932 No 7-8

1932 No 5-6

1932 No 3-4

1932 No 1-2

1931 No 11-12

1931 No 9-10

1931 No 7-8

1931 No 5-6

1931 No 3-4

1931 No 1-2

1930 No 11-12 Supplement

1930 No 11-12

1930 No 10 Supplement

1930 No 10

1930 No 8-9 Supplement

1930 No 8-9

1930 No 6-7 Supplement

1930 No 6-7

1930 No 4-5 Supplement

1930 No 4

1930 No 3 Supplement

1930 No 3

1930 No 2 Supplement

1930 No 2

1930 No 1 Supplement

1930 No 1

1929 No 9

1929 No 7-8

1929 No 5-6

1929 No 4

1929 No 3

1928 No 12 - 1929 No 1

1928 No 10-11

1928 No 8-9

1928 No 6-7

1928 No 4-5

1928 No 1-3